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TechClean & Restoration

TechClean & Restoration specialise in all things Asbestos - Advice, Testing, Removal, Encapsulation and Disposal.

Locations throughout the South Island and Lower North Island, we hold both Class A and Class B Removalist Licences and have a large, professional and qualified team. We invest in the latest technology to ensure the Health & Safety of our staff, clients and surrounds is also our number one priority.

We also offer decontamination and restoration services so get in touch with us today for a chat through your requirements and a no-obligation quote.



0800 101 234

Service locations:

Demolition and Asbestos services:

Other services:

Meth Decontamination, Mould Restoration, Flood, Fire & Disaster Restoration, Cleaning Services

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New Zealand Demolition & Asbestos Association

Postal Address: 39 Jellicoe Road, Panmure, Auckland 1072

Phone: 0800 469 322      


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